The price of Bitcoin (BTC) now is .
Over the past 24 hours the price of Bitcoin has changed by from to .
Over the past month the price of Bitcoin has changed by from to .
What is the year-to-date return for Bitcoin?Since the start of the year Bitcoin (BTC) has generated a return of .
How far is current price from the all-time-high (ATH) price of Bitcoin?To reach the all time high price of $106,182, Bitcoin needs to increase by .
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The Fear & Greed Index identifies the extent to which the market is becoming overly fearful or overly greedy. It can be a useful tool to help manage individual emotions versus the overall market sentiment.
Top Cap: $477,962 Delta Top: $208,716 Terminal Price: $203,326
CVDD: $32,006 Balanced Price: $33,790
Period | Change | Change (%) | High |
1h | |||
24h | |||
1w | |||
1m | |||
3m | |||
1y | |||
All |
Latest | 1w Change | 1w Change (%) | |
Circulating Supply | 19.8 million | 3,163 | 1.59% |
Hash Rate (TH/s) | 780.5 million | -76.9 million | -897.44% |
Market Cap | $1.7 trillion | $46.5 billion | 277.69% |
Realized Cap | $862.2 billion | $2.5 billion | 28.61% |
Active Addresses | 863,658 | -52,616 | -574.24% |
Coin Days Destroyed | 12.4 million | -2.8 million | -1,840.84% |
BTC price last updated at . This price converter should be used for informational purposes only. The calculated price may not reflect the price available at exchanges.
The historical price data of BTC can be downloaded for free as a CSV file using the button below. You are welcome to use the data either for commercial or non-commercial purposes. When using the data publicly we ask that you link to
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BTC Price | Today's Value | |
Purchased 1yr ago | $67,182.00 | |
Purchased 2yrs ago | $21,701.38 | |
Purchased 3yrs ago | $38,725.48 | |
Purchased 4yrs ago | $52,088.48 | |
Purchased 5yrs ago | $8,109.61 | |
Purchased 6yrs ago | $3,910.36 | |
Purchased 7yrs ago | $9,278.14 | |
Purchased 8yrs ago | $1,193.46 | |
Purchased 9yrs ago | $412.54 | |
Purchased 10yrs ago | $292.32 | |
Purchased 11yrs ago | $628.15 |
Bitcoin is the first ever cryptocurrency and was created in 2009.
Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer payment system. When transactions are sent on the Bitcoin network, they are sent directly between users, no third party like a bank or remittance company is required. This is important as it means that Bitcoin is permissionless. You do not require permission from a third party like a bank to make a payment and that payment cannot be stopped or interfered with by a third party.
Unlike traditional payment systems, Bitcoin allows value to be transferred to anyone else on the network at any time, 365 days a year, 24/7. There are no limits on the amounts of value that can be sent.
Each transaction that takes place on the Bitcoin network is recorded on a publicly distributed ledger, typically referred to as a blockchain. Each block contains the record of a number of transactions that took place over a certain time period. Blocks on average take about 10 minutes to process.
Bitcoin is powered and secured by a distributed network of miners. Through a Proof-Of-Work consensus model these validators use computational power energy to mine bitcoin blocks. For every block mined there is a bitcoin reward and also miner fees paid out to the miner able to create the block. This is the incentive for miners to continue to operate on the network. Bitcoin uses SHA256 algorithm which is a highly secure cryptographic hash function. SHA stands for ‘secure hashing algorithm’ and the 256 refers to every output which will be 256 bits.
Bitcoin has created a global community that uses the network for self-sovereign security and value preservation. It is used by investors as well as speculators. It has also helped to spawn thousands of other cryptocurrencies.
Its creator is unknown and goes by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. The first ever bitcoin transaction was sent from Satoshi Nakamoto to Hal Finney on 12 Jan 2009.
For more information about how to buy, use, and store Bitcoin, check out the
Learning Section.